A message from the Superintendent

Hope for the Future

By Dr. Jane Stavem, Superintendent

In a world marred by the stark realities of war, unrest, and relentless exposure to mean-spirited interactions, the need to safeguard and nurture the innocence of our children becomes an urgent call to action. 

The words of the late actor Angela Lansbury, spoken just after 9/11, echo the collective responsibility we all share in creating a haven for the youngest members of our society. "All of us, grandparents, parents, aunts, and uncles, we all have to try to do everything that we possibly can to show them that they are safe and loved and that good will triumph over evil and right will prevail."

As we witness the disheartening events unfolding around the globe in real-time, it becomes increasingly clear that the impact on our children is profound. Their tender minds absorb the images and narratives of conflict, shaping their perceptions of the world and influencing their understanding of right and wrong.

In this tumultuous landscape, it is crucial for each one of us to actively engage in the emotional and psychological well-being of our children. We are all custodians of their future, charged with the responsibility of instilling hope, resilience, and compassion in the face of adversity.

By fostering a sense of safety, we enable them to navigate the challenges that arise in their lives with greater confidence and emotional stability. Engage in open conversations, actively listen to their concerns, and reassure them that, no matter the circumstances, they are loved.

In a world where hatred can permeate even the most sacred spaces, we must teach children about empathy and the value of differences. Help them understand that, despite the darkness, there is always the potential for goodness to prevail.

Empower children by modeling the transformative power of kindness. Encourage them to engage in acts of compassion, no matter how small. Whether it's helping a friend in need, participating in community service, or simply spreading joy through kind words, these actions contribute to building a better world.

In a world where darkness tries to overshadow the light, let us unite in our commitment to nurture a generation that believes in the triumph of good over evil.