by Dr. Jane Stavem, Superintendent

                         Recently, we surveyed parents and teachers for feedback on what went well and what could be improved specifically at the start of the school year. You responded in a BIG way!  More than 1,200 parents gave us suggestions about how to improve traffic flow for pick-ups and drop-offs and provided ideas about teacher meet-and-greets, school pictures, and a host of other topics. Nearly 500 staff members took the opportunity to share details about their favorite in-service sessions and ideas that help them prepare their classrooms before students arrive on the first day.

                        While in-person communication is always favored, it is not always possible in a district of our size. Short surveys through SFSD Views & Voice provide a quick opportunity for you to share your thoughts on a specific topic each month. We value that feedback and rely on it to shape plans for the coming year. If you haven’t participated yet, there will be more opportunities this year as we are posing questions each month. We are asking the questions, and we want to know the answers!

                        Community engagement is a priority for us. We are committed to making improvements to the experiences you and your children have in our public schools. We are aiming to be the best school district in the nation, and with your input, we will continue working toward that goal.